You may request any of the following prior to our weekend together or during your stay.

Restorative Bliss Booster, $35

Treat yourself to the unique experience of a private restorative yoga session. This practice is designed to address your specific needs, complemented with careful hands on adjustments.

Stretch & Strengthen, $25

The name says it all! This is a more active practice. We’ll start with a gentle warm up, before moving towards active stretches of your focus areas. (legs, shoulders, etc.) followed by sweet savasana. I will use variety of props & gentle hands on adjustments to help you deepen the sensation of each pose.

Restorative Yoga + Hot Stones, $35

Rest & relax in carefully crafted supported poses as the hot stones melt away physical and emotional tension.

Restorative Yoga At Home Workshop, $25

How to create a sustainable, personal practice without the yoga props. In this workshop, I will introduce you to a series of restorative yoga sequences that you can practice safely at home, using items from around the house in lieu of yoga props.

The Art of Bliss in Restorative Bliss, YACEP 15hrs

This course is designed for teachers who would like to learn how to offer a restorative yoga practice that allows students to completely surrender in order to rest & relax. The “bliss” in the restorative bliss is more than just restorative poses, supported by props. It includes setting a space that is warm and inviting, sequencing the class, coordinating the right essential oils, and offering safe and mindful adjustments.